Online Continuous Generalized Category Discovery K.-H. Park, Hakyung Lee, Kyungwoo Song, and G.-M. Park ECCV 2024 Paper Link (TBU) | Code Link (TBU)

Versatile Incremental Learning: Towards Class and Domain-Agnostic Incremental Learning M.-Y. Park*, J.-H. Lee*, and G.-M. Park ECCV 2024 Paper Link (TBU) | Code Link (TBU)

Towards Model-Agnostic Dataset Condensation by Heterogeneous Models J.-Y. Moon, Jung Uk Kim, and G.-M. Park ECCV 2024 Paper Link (TBU) | Code Link (TBU)

Pre-trained Vision and Language Transformers Are Few-Shot Incremental Learners K.-H. Park, Kyungwoo Song, and G.-M. Park CVPR 2024 Paper Link | Code Link

Generative Unlearning for Any Identity J. Seo*, S.-H. Lee*, T.-Y. Lee*, Seung-Jun Moon, and G.-M. Park CVPR 2024 Paper Link | Code Link

Open-Set Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation S.-A. Choe*, A.-H. Shin*, K.-H. Park, Jinwoo Choi, and G.-M. Park CVPR 2024 Paper Link | Code Link

RADIO: Reference-Agnostic Dubbing Video Synthesis Dongyeun Lee*, Chaewon Kim*, Sangjoon Yu, Jaejun Yoo, and G.-M. Park WACV 2024 Paper Link

GLAD: Global-Local View Alignment and Background Debiasing for Video Domain Adaptation Hyogun Lee*, Kyungho Bae*, Seong Jong Ha, Yumin Ko, G.-M. Park, and Jinwoo Choi WACV 2024

Online Class Incremental Learning on Stochastic Blurry Task Boundary via Mask and Visual Prompt Tuning J.-Y. Moon*, K.-H. Park*, Jung Uk Kim, and G.-M. Park ICCV 2023 Paper Link | Code Link

LFS-GAN: Lifelong Few-Shot Image Generation J. Seo*, Ji-Su Kang*, and G.-M. Park ICCV 2023 Paper Link | Code Link

LINe: Out-of-Distribution Detection by Leveraging Important Neurons Yong Hyun Ahn, G.-M. Park, and Seong Tae Kim CVPR 2023 Paper Link | Code Link

IntereStyle: Encoding an Interest Region for Robust StyleGAN Inversion Seungjun Moon and G.-M. Park ECCV 2022 Paper Link | Code Link



Three papers got accepted to ECCV 2024.


Our paper titled "Fisheye Object Detection with Visual Prompting-Aided Finetuning" got accepted to Remote Sensing.


Our paper titled "Wav2NeRF: Audio-Driven Realistic Talking Head Generation via Wavelet-based NeRF" got accepted to Image and Vision Computing.


Three papers got accepted to CVPR 2024.


Two papers got accepted to WACV 2024.


New M.S.-Ph.D. member "Tae-Young Lee" joins our lab. Welcome!


New M.S. members "Keon-Hee Park", "Seon-An Choe", and "Min-Yeong Park" joins our lab. Welcome!


Two papers got accepted to ICCV 2023.


Our paper titled "Time Series Anomaly Detection using Transformer-based GAN with Two-Step Masking" got accepted to IEEE Access.


New M.S.-Ph.D. member "Jun-Yeong Moon" joins our lab. Welcome!


New M.S. members "Jae-Ho Lee", and "Juwon Seo" joins our lab. Welcome!


Our paper titled "LINe: Out-of-Distribution Detection by Leveraging Important Neurons" got accepted to CVPR 2023.


We got the award in KSC 2022 from the paper titled "Prompt Based Incremental Learning Using Attention Diversity". Congratulations!


We got the award in KSC 2022 from the paper titled "Few-Shot Image Generation via Learning Disentangled Feature". Congratulations!


We got the award in KSC 2022 from the paper titled "Dynamic and Assistant Prompts for Class Incremental Learning". Congratulations!


A new M.S. member "Jiwon Hwang" joins our lab. Welcome!


We got the award in KCC 2022 from the paper titled "Lifelong Language Learning Using Pretrained Adapters". Congratulations!


Our paper titled "IntereStyle: Encoding an Interest Region for Robust StyleGAN Inversion" got accepted to ECCV 2022.


A new M.S. member "Sung-Hoon Lee" joins our lab. Welcome!


We got the award in KSC 2021 from the paper titled "Vision Transformer Based Continual Learning". Congratulations!


We have got a new research grant titled “Patient-specific General Intelligence for Effective Early Diagnosis of Arrhythmia” (2021.09.01 ~ 2024.02.28, NRF).


A new M.S. member "Ah-Hyung Shin" joins our lab. Welcome!


Our paper titled "SR-EM: Episodic Memory Aware of Semantic Relations Based on Hierarchical Clustering Resonance Network" got accepted to IEEE TCYB (IF: 11.1, JCR 0.8%).


We got the award in KCC 2021 from the paper titled "AnoFormer: Anomalous Rhythm Detection wth Transformer-based GAN". Congratulations!


Assistant professor at KHU (~ 2021).


We are looking for graduate/undergraduate students to research together in Artificial General Intelligence Laboratory (AGI Lab.) at Computer Science and Engineering, Kyung Hee University. In our lab, we are interested in developing multi-modal AI algorithms associated with computer vision and natural language processing, studing continual learning techniques of modern deep learning algorithms, learning methods for future AI, deep generative models, and medical AI. If you are interested in the above research fields, please contact Prof. Gyeong-Moon Park (
경희대학교 컴퓨터공학과 일반인공지능 연구실(AGI Lab.)에서 함께 연구할 대학원생 및 학부연구생을 모집합니다. AGI 연구실에서는 컴퓨터비전, 자연어처리 등 복합모달 인공지능 알고리즘 개발과 딥러닝의 연속학습 기술, 강인공지능을 위한 통계적 학습 이론, 심층 생성모델, 그리고 의료 인공지능 분야를 연구하고 있습니다. 위 연구분야에 관심있거나 진학 관련 상담을 원하는 학생은 박경문 교수(에게 연락 바랍니다.