Graduate Student

Juwon Seo (서주원)

M.S. student, Artificial Intelligence, Kyung Hee University Email: Room: #325-1, College of Electronics Information Research interests: Few-shot learning, generative adversarial network, continual learning, computer vision.


Kyung Hee University, Yongin, Republic of Korea M.S. student in Artificial Intelligence Advisor: Prof. Gyeong-Moon Park
Kyung Hee University, Yongin, Republic of Korea B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering Advisor: Prof. Gyeong-Moon Park


J. Seo, J.-S. Kang, and G.-M. Park "LFS-GAN: Lifelong Few-Shot Image Generation" International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Paris, France, Oct. 2023.
J. Seo and G.-M. Park "Few-Shot Image Generation via Learning Disentangled Feature" Korea Software Congress (KSC), Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, Dec. 2022. [Award]
J. Seo, M.-H. Park, and G.-M. Park "Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning via Subspace Regularization with Reusing Novel-Class Weights" Korea Computer Congress (KCC), Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, Jun. 2022.


Research Project


Teaching Experience Academic Services Awards
Korea Software Congress (KSC), Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, Dec. 2022. [Award]